Do you have your data backed up and secure?

DrakeTek partners with and for Secure, Fast, Complete and Simple data storage and backup. Click the following images or here for more information.


IDrive Online Backup


Online Backup

Technology Solutions for Small Business and Home

PC support, maintenance & optimization
Data Storage/Backup
Data Recovery
“less-paper” office solutions
Electronic Document Management
Document Scanning



DrakeTek can help you go paperless, or at least 'less-paper'!

DrakeTek's mission is to help small business discover, implement and utilize today's technology which will result in money and time saved. It's easier than ever to implement paperless solutions in a small business or home-based business. Get started today!

  • DrakeTek can identify areas of your business that will benefit from the implementation of a digital solution. We can identify these areas and the processes associated with them and then come up with a step-by-step plan to implement.
  • DrakeTek will recommend and implement the technology needed that will support your digital solutions. In a lot of cases, small businesses already have the hardware or software necessary, but need help with learning how to use it.

Contact DrakeTek to setup a free on-site consultation and help get you started!

Phone: 734.335.0853


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